There's been an uproar about how NASA spent $79 million to collide a probe into the moon in search for water. You hear the arguments and beliefs about how spending money on Space Exploration is wasteful, that the money should be spent on other areas. But, people fail to realize that space exploration has provided huge benefits to mankind, more than anything that has come before. You can find just a fraction of the valuable products that have been developed by space exploration here. And, just think about how different our world would be without satellite imaging or satellites period. Basically, I'd still be posting these blogs up using a dial-up modem. I would still be buying porn instead of getting it for free.

Don't get me wrong. We can spend money in other worthy areas to improve our society and our civilization., our planet. But, spending money on space exploration gives back a very high return on investment. People talk about high gas prices and the need for alternative energy sources. Well, I believe space will provide us with answers and other possibilities for better and more environmentally-friendly energy sources. In fact, at some point, the oil will run out and we won't have any choice but to find another energy source. Maybe, we already reached that point.
Regardless of all the benefits and logical reasons for exploring space, I personally just get excited about it. I get excited about the possibility of mankind living on the moon and on other planets. And as we try to figure out how to do that, we will gain more knowledge and create and invent more products that will improve our existence. Maybe if we focus more on exploring space, we could focus less on wars and our differences. We can come together in peace and understanding. That's why I don't mind NASA spending $79 million to find out if there's water on the moon. Hey, maybe the moon can be the solution to our clean water issues on Earth.

Don't get me wrong. We can spend money in other worthy areas to improve our society and our civilization., our planet. But, spending money on space exploration gives back a very high return on investment. People talk about high gas prices and the need for alternative energy sources. Well, I believe space will provide us with answers and other possibilities for better and more environmentally-friendly energy sources. In fact, at some point, the oil will run out and we won't have any choice but to find another energy source. Maybe, we already reached that point.
Regardless of all the benefits and logical reasons for exploring space, I personally just get excited about it. I get excited about the possibility of mankind living on the moon and on other planets. And as we try to figure out how to do that, we will gain more knowledge and create and invent more products that will improve our existence. Maybe if we focus more on exploring space, we could focus less on wars and our differences. We can come together in peace and understanding. That's why I don't mind NASA spending $79 million to find out if there's water on the moon. Hey, maybe the moon can be the solution to our clean water issues on Earth.

And you thought Bling H2O was overpriced? Wait till we get that 2 million year old untapped Moon water back down to Earth. I'm all for this. Hell, why stop there? Let's turn the moon into a damn Death Star capable of blasting away any incoming "worldwide species killing" asteroid or armada of alien spacecraft.