Yesterday, I renewed my promise to have only loving and nurturing thoughts. And, of course, I enjoyed a wonderful day. So today, I will continue to focus on this simple task. I thought about it more when I got up this morning. I understand that many people find it easy to hold grudges and to let their reactions control their emotions. I used to fall into this trap myself. I would let an event, like an inconsiderate driver cutting me off dictate how I felt for the day. Then, when I got to my destination I would feel impatient and even angry. And then, I could tell that people would sense that in me, and they would feel uneasy, and angry themselves. They would, in turn, transfer that to someone else later that day. A big chain reaction eventually engulfs several people all because I refused to let things go.
I could have just paid no mind to the person cutting me off. I didn't know the intentions of that person. That person probably didn't even realize that he cut me off. And I let it affect me. Then, it eventually negatively affected hundreds of people, maybe even thousands. Instead of just me having a bad day, thousands of people have a bad day. So, in a way, to make this world a better place, we must learn to let things go.
And what it comes down to, reacting to things and situations in a negative way involves people adopting a victim mentality. We feel victimized because we feel a lack of control over the situation. We give in to our emotions because in our minds we don't feel we deserved whatever negative situation came about. We must never lose control. The truth - you can chose exactly how you want to feel about any situation. You demand this of yourself. You demand that you will be happy by any means necessary. You demand that you will only have loving and nurturing thoughts. This can work as a chain reaction in the same way that anger can infect a group of people. And that simple action and promise makes the world a better place.
I could have just paid no mind to the person cutting me off. I didn't know the intentions of that person. That person probably didn't even realize that he cut me off. And I let it affect me. Then, it eventually negatively affected hundreds of people, maybe even thousands. Instead of just me having a bad day, thousands of people have a bad day. So, in a way, to make this world a better place, we must learn to let things go.
And what it comes down to, reacting to things and situations in a negative way involves people adopting a victim mentality. We feel victimized because we feel a lack of control over the situation. We give in to our emotions because in our minds we don't feel we deserved whatever negative situation came about. We must never lose control. The truth - you can chose exactly how you want to feel about any situation. You demand this of yourself. You demand that you will be happy by any means necessary. You demand that you will only have loving and nurturing thoughts. This can work as a chain reaction in the same way that anger can infect a group of people. And that simple action and promise makes the world a better place.
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