Okay, here's the deal. I am in the process of growing back my hair. Here's what I looked like sometime last week:
For those of you who don't know, my hair is naturally thick, really thick. Here's what I looked like back in 2005:
And here's where I'm at now:
*Note - As you probably already know, the goofy smile in the above pictures doesn't come naturally. I had to put a lot of effort into it.
Now the plan: I haven't shaved my head since Friday, July 10, 2009 and I haven't shaved my face since Tuesday, July 14, 2009. So, I will not shave either my face nor my head for as long as I can, at least until Halloween. That way, I can at least save on a costume and just go as a homeless person or one of those Geico Cave Men.
Why am I doing this? I dunno, because I can. Why do I have to have a reason? Because I'm tired of being bald and looking like every dude you see at a sports bar? Maybe, I should have a better reason. I know, I'm gonna grow the Fro for world peace. That's right! I want all the fighting to stop and the cooperation among nations to increase because of my fro. We will all come together in love and happiness because of me. That's right! Be sure to check back in now and then to see the progress. But for now-------->
One Love, One Fro
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